Eyes closed with light body relaxation. Unfortunately, this is the state that most therapists work with because they are not educated in depth and are told that depth is not necessary, what can be done in a deep state, can also be done in a light state.
However, it is not completely true. The truth is that, yes things can be achieved in this state but, the results are not long lasting and in most cases must be reinforced over and over.
Depth is the only answer but, most who use hypnosis for therapy are not taught how to have their clients achieve it because they do not know themselves. Nor does the individuals who teach them.
Helping someone to achieve depth takes time and in some cases many sessions. But, I feel that if a hypnotist or therapist really cares for their clients, the ethical thing to do is to take that time and do diligence. Of course, this is not the way most view things and are just doing their best to make a fast buck.
This state cannot be anchored by a verbal keyword for instant return. A traditional induction must be used each time, which is a complete waste of time for the client and therapist.
The mind and body is completely relaxed in this state. This state is perfect for any talk therapy and the results can now be highly effective and become permanent.
The person can also produce positive and negative hallucinations and the hypnotist, if not careful, could cause false memories to occur during this time. However, it is profound somnambulism that is most effective and beneficial for the client and therapist. Profound somnambulism is different than traditional somnambulism.
The person in this state can produce real local anesthesia through the use of proper verbal suggestions. Once the person is taught how to achieve this state on their own, they can produce real self local anesthesia without the hypnotist every again being present. This state is excellent for minor and some major surgeries.
This state can be anchored by a verbal keyword for instant return at another time and the keyword never has to be reinforced, if it is installed properly
Once the limbs are placed into any position, they will display a waxy pre-catatonic expression of the skeletal muscles and remain there or in any position they are placed. The limbs can remain in this position for lengthy periods without the effect of muscle burn.
It is not that the person does not want to speak in this state, the person cannot speak or voluntarily move any part of their body.
The reason for this is because all of the signals going to the voluntary motor nerves are turned off during the time in this state. The person can hear but, is not able to voluntarily respond or move.
This state can be anchored by a verbal keyword for instant return at another time and the keyword never has to be reinforced, if it is installed properly
Complete body rigidity with limbs extended and locked by the contraction of the underlying sheet of the skeletal muscles, while the surface of the skeletal muscles are relaxed and supple. This part of the skeletal muscles are the most efficient part of these muscles.
This is the only true test for the Esdaile State and all four limbs must lock by these muscles. The limbs can remain in this position for lengthy periods without the effect of muscle burn even though gravity is bearing down on the limbs and a person in the normal waking state would experience muscle burn within a short time.
Now, general anesthesia is present automatically. If a person cannot achieve this state and all four limbs display rigidity, they have not achieved the Esdaile State.
This state is achieved in silence and only through the use of what I call, "limb tugs" but, it must be done properly. This state cannot be anchored by a verbal keyword for instant return.
The muscles and limbs are completely relaxed and limp. In the deepest part of this state the eyes balls float from left to right producing REM (rapid-eye-movement). There is no recall of anything during the time a person is in the Sichort State, just as in real sleep and healing is automatically taking place from 6 to 10 times the person's normal healing rate.
If an emergency should about to occur, the person will emerge just before it ensues and be able to know instantly what to do to take care of that emergency. The sense of time is greatly distorted and the person automatically has general anesthesia, this is the most perfect state for most major surgeries.
If this state is used during surgery, the person can achieve this state all by them self without a hypnotist being present. They will remain in this state throughout the surgery and will not emerge until it is safe for them to do so.
This state can be anchored by a verbal keyword for instant return at another time and the keyword never has to be reinforced.